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![]() xoxo Yours Truly, Xinjie Yang (: Jesus is my favourite. I like gummies, b&j icecream and doodling very much too. Oh yes. I love shopping too (:
ThisisXinjie -
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Get ready,
We are ready to fly. I have dreams. When I am young I dream... When I am older, I still wanna dream... Keep your idealism alive! (: What do you dream? Side tracking, some of them said that when Yoko grows up, She would be like me. HAHAHAHAH ![]() (Yoko/Miko) I confess, I dont know who is who!!! Can any of you tell? They are so adorable. Huggersnuggle (: I miss their long hair. But they look as cute with their "Dora the explorer" short hair too (: xoxo Xin
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Look Ahead
Woah, really love Pastor Phil's blog.
I wanna share this with you! My thoughts are intrigued by his wisdom.... I was looking at one of his entries, he talked about Isaiah 43:18-19 18 “ Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. ... after reading it, I prayed a little and understood it further. It intertwines pretty much with what Pastor Sy talked about on Sunday... Pastor Phil mentioned about how at times we hold on to our past too much all the success, disappointments, bitterness, failures and sins that we miss out on what God has prepared and called us to do. This eventually affects our growth, and confidence... it kills opportunities that comes in our way. I would think it's like having the ball in your court but because your mind is so preoccupied with the goal that you missed, that you miss out on the chance you are given... Man.. thats so so true. I dont wanna lose any opportunity to grow, to go closer to God!!! Here is says, DO NOT REMEMBER THE FORMER THINGS!!! Many times with natural tendencies we are always recalling the 'memories' that holds us back from growing. "Forgetting is more difficult than remembering" Pastor Phil mentioned. The way to defeat our own minds and grow is when we can train our mind not to always be thinking about things that kills us on the inside. Dont let bitterness and pride kill your opportunities that is coming your way! And almost often, we also do things OUR way and assume that it is God's way. There should be no such assumptions!!! Letting go of old ways, before God can come in and make things happen in His NEW ways... It's just like what Pastor Sy mentioned too.. sometimes you just got to keep doing back to God and get rid of whatever flaws... whatever thoughts.. get it over thoroughly!!! Dunk & cleanse yourself over and over until you know you are totally ready for God to work in your life... I am thinking about some situations I know... about some friends... I ask you today, how near is your vision to you today? Or have you been living with/in past success? & some, are you not done with getting over a past soured relationship? getting over things you got upset and bitter about that caused you to distant from God? Man... when God asked me those questions, I reflected and I spoke to Him... i pray i pray everyone around me stand strong, have faith and believe and allow God to give you new opportunities... Get out of your past! (: Sometimes we think too much like I mentioned before in my earlier post... Haha. I guess it is really the thought patterns, we spiral around the same issues and complicate them sometimes. We imagine too much sometimes. But imagination is so powerful....imagine imagine in God... You think your vision, you know your vision, you wanna make it happen. Show it to God... your precious thoughts over your desires and .. most importantly your vision. I thought the way Pst Phil interpreted the word "behold" word was so powerful...his revelations are totally woahhh. Pst Phil see things in a really different perspective. He said "The future , the new is always something we "see". It is a vision. What do you see? We should ask ourselves this question everyday." Mannnnnn. A vision keeps us going indeed indeed!!! And towards new things, we should always be open to experience it. God created these NEW things for a reason. New things are New. It might be unfamiliar to us, but we should not judge it just cos' so. Allow God to give us more "new things" and experience it!! God is a God of new.... Woah, I am excited. I wanna experience more new things that would come in my life... It's new experience each time... New revelations... New songs.... New encounters.. Ahhh. My God is totally creative. Always creating. So co0ooOooool to max. I am praying praying for myself to be ready to take on God's given opportunity. To fly to fly to experience every new moments and encounters that would come! I cant imagine my Christian walk being totally boring and I experience the same stuff everday man.... God is just so cool. I am sorry if whatever I mentioned is a little all over the place... I read it and just type whatever thats on my mind. So perhaps from paragraph to paragraph it doesnt really linked up.... hehe (: My spirit feels so stirred... encouraged... wooooot!! (: Time to go work on my illustration... I m attempting to be up earlier tomorrow to go jogging :D hahahahaha. Also, I am gonna listen more sermons etc this season!!! Time to grow in the word of God... Love it. Out of here now! xoxo, xin
(I should be sleeping, its 4.34am, I have school at 9am, gotta prepare @ 7am.. haha now you know how I work... I am just done with my presentation, I think it is quite good... (: I just feel like blogging after reading a couple of cool blogs!)
Woah. I am totally blown away as I read Pastor Phil Pringle's blog on his revelations. Check it out here As you read, it is as if you are feeding yourself with God's words at the same time.. so cool.. It's so cool to blog, everyone is starting to revive their blogs... Pastor Kong blogs too... Pastor Phil as well.. Pastor Josh Kelsey too... Pastor Kong's blog is just powerful... Pastor Phil's blog inspires... Pastor Josh's blog causes me to reflect ponder and think... It is cool so cool (: Most of us who blogs actually kinda enjoy writing ! (: I enjoy writing! (: Noni's "Welcome Aboard" made me realise that , hey this is it. Haha. It's like.. OKAY NOW IS THE TIME. I am excited about everything... Conference with Qi and Liwen earlier.. they are abit crazy.. hahaha. We are going to bake @ Charmaine's on Thu!! I am gonna incubate her mom! (: (: So cool so cool. I am ready to take whatever that comes. With God it is possible... With problems that doesnt kill me, it will make me stronger. I know God is moulding me (: That's one real big fat encouragement. Plus, I have really encouraging friends around me.. :D Ahhh. Assessment is coming! May is coming! (holidays holidays) I wanna watch some local films during the holidays man.. I did research earlier and checked out on them.. all like so cool only. Films like 15, The Mee Pok Man, Be With Me(watched in class before but I was too sleepy...) and Eating Air! Woooo. Time for bed (: I just feel very thankful and encouraged... xoxo,xin
Saturday, March 21, 2009
working on it
It is not easy to just THINK simple as said.
I am working on it. Especially my thought patterns. The things that occupies my mind. I am out, its 2.55am. Time for bed. Long day tomorrow. It's gonna be great. love, xin
Friday, March 20, 2009
Now with a clearer mind, less sleepy...
I shall blog properly. Last night's was... HAHAHAHHA. (I wanna blog, but I wanna sleep too) ---- So anyway, Recently I thought, many times we complicate situations and things around us. Sometimes things are just THAT simple, but it is just a natural tendency that we actually choose to complicate it and confuse our mind, conflict our thoughts. With whatever issues we have in hand, we oftenly twist it, turn, flip- and it ends up complicated. Funny funny, sometimes we can keep things simple. But sometimes a little noise in our mind can end up bugging us like forever. Mentally it gradually becomes such a habit, a cycle with much confusions that fails to lead us back to clarity. Often, we always end up tired and filled with more doubts and questions that = to nothing but emotionally perplex. Confession time, this is what I have been going through the past 2 days. Much noise and much thoughts, I sought for someone to grumble and rant at. No use. Just as I begin to sit myself down, reflect and tried thinking clearly, God spoke. "What matters? Your focus" Woahhhhhh. Totally taken aback and reflected with a clearer mind. With all that complications, it led me no where. I focused on something that led me no where- but to more confusion! Whatever you focus on, will grow- Wendy once told me this. Indeed. Focus your thoughts on complications it will grow to crowd your mind. Focus them on what is more important allows you to be clearer minded. Even if your worries are valid, dont worry! God saves the day. Does it kill you? No? Then move on. That's the reality. We need to learn to see what within ourselves, inner thoughts. I am working to be better. I am searching my insides. I gotta grow to tackle my complicating mind. HAHA. I REALLY have natural tendancy sometimes to just complicate simple things. (Major AIYO) Keep it simple. Search your insides. What about you? xoxo, Love Xin
higher than my desires
Last night I was highly disappointed with AhChew's Dessert.
Well, finally manage to caught up with Peishan for a lil (: But while we were at AC's eating, the waitress was really rude. There were a couple of us, but initially only shan & i ordered, and thus they showed us attitude. & towards closing, they CHASE us away saying they are closing, and later turn their back and complained to other customers about us... tsktsk. Looking down upon the youths? We'll do mighty great things I say! I am having much on my mind... Quite tired of these noises... decided that I would might as well just leave it to God. I gotta just trust and plan for what is to come. Faith. I am kinda too tired/sleepy to continue blogging. Let's end this. Haha. Life's just full of decisions and choices to make.... I guess sometimes I need to step out to make my point and to learn to be bolder. (I am falling alseep in front of my laptop.) Gdnight now. xoxo,xin
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Just a random thought... sometimes...
In every individuals' life, we are given choices to make decisions upon our own life. What Who What Which Situations/People/Problems are more worthy of our Love/Time/Money/Focus/Attention Unknowingly at times we subconsciously give that 'price-tag' to people around us. We are constantly changing... is it fair that we judge and sometimes get too prejudice? I am not perfect, but today as I come to think of this, I feel that it could be unfair to the people we judge sometimes...? ![]() Well, chew on that thought... it's random i know. Maryse is beside me and she is being really cheeky. I think she abit siao. ( she said: "should say cute..." ) tsk tsk tsk But nevermind, i still love her... hahahaha (: She started to give me sheepish stares & later made her way towards me and talk gibberish. HAHA. OHGAY. time to go now. (: By the way, ToChew: Ru is nice to me when I stayed over at her place. She gave me blanket, towel, clothes to wear... she even gave me chicken wings to eat.. HAHA Love, xoxo Xin
proclaim the promises
Woahhh, been really long since I posted! (:
Have been rather busy. It's late it's lateeee. My thoughts are all over the place. Currently at Ru's house.. ( went to watch "Coming Soon" with a couple of lovely churchies (: ) She gave me chicken wings to eat :D & she's trying to choreograph her dance steps. It's so cold here in the room... Haha. Enjoy spending time with her talking nonsense tho. We are comtemplating whether or not to go for jogging tomorrow morning. Hahaha... Last week was hectic, but really fruitful. In many ways I have learnt things and @ the same time increased in capacity. The projects were all up for predicted grades, well, didnt score too well for all, but thank God i've got time to improve on them. Specialism classes on Monday and Thursdays have started... it's pretty much still alright now, I can cope. (: Just one thing, I miss Questal, Boon, Hong, Ivan, Nes, Alvin already. Well well, school would always just be school... Tuesday's IC Graduation was funny, it ended well really unexpectedly. Felicia is amazing man, we can work together with each other well and compliment each other's flaws and strength (: Everyone worked hard to make it happen and I am glad it happened amazingly! Friday was cool, it's been long we hung out as a CG and we did (: (: Chompchomp was shiok & Wendy brought us to Dessert Bowl. (: Yummmmmy desserts and great place to chill out (: ![]() just feeling very thankful again for many many things in my life (: Wendy is amazing, she's so sweet.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Set aside time, clear up your mind
Let's not be trapped in the past and move on (:
Drawing A was postponed to this Friday, and thus explain my absence for IS today. I have been suffering the whole morning in pain ): Roll in bed till late afternoon, got up and cook myself some nice sesame oil noodle (: (my favvvvvvvvvourite chuqianyiding!) I have not done much work other than updating myself with stuff from the learning portal. Cos' my Adobe Reader just got fixed. THANK YOU DALE! ): My assessment would end the latest!!! 30 April ): After that long break mannnnnnn. I wanna go Mission Trip!!! Right now, time to clear up my work, talk to Jane Allan soon.. talking about that, lemme SMS her now. (okay just did !) Things are a whole lot better now at home, I am so so glad (: Very very thankful as well. Yours truly shall buck up too. I am so thankful for many things. If you are feeling extremely down, why not just think of something to be thankful about? It'll be better (: & I am feeling very assured and nevertheless very encouraged. & of cos thankful to have my cousins in the same church as me! (i know i've been repeating this 1001 times.) Yesterday's short chat with Ivan while walking to the busstop made me feel very encouraged! Sometimes, you just need to just keep going. Keep strikingggggg. Run to your fig tree. Have I mention that, kids are really sooooo adorable. These are my little cousins (: cute right. Haha ![]() and here's some photos from school... ![]() ![]() ![]()
Sunday, March 1, 2009
when all else fades...
Before I go to bed, just felt that I have to put my thoughts into place.
AI Conf has been really awesome, I've learnt so much. And really, been so touched by all the works we as a church has been doing in people's life. Through this two days, I have really been so reminded all over by God's love. For every part of our life, God is just so interested to know more. He is concern about every single part of our life. I am thankful that He knows every part of my life...from every worries to anything. Recently, I have been speaking to a friend of mine about his life lately. He was sharing how aimless he feels, and he cant bring himself to trust God. He dont believe that God could work things out... He is so upset after some relationship issues and feels that there is no purpose and passion that drives him to do things that he would do anymore. Just last week, I observed that he hurt himself. As a friend, I feel so much for him. Each time I share with him my thoughts and just try to listen to him and talk to him... I pray silently that his heart would be soften and Jesus would turn things around just for him. Life's so much more than all that. Heartbreaks are sometimes inevitable. But we grow from it and learn isnt it? I hate to see how people are stuck stagnant holding on to past bitterness and sadness. Lay aside every weight, RUN. Life is not just about you. and your lost relationship. There are so much people out there that longs to be in your position. To have a choice to study. To learn things... to have friends... Really, sometimes we just gotta stop being too inward looking. The more we think about ourselves and our own life, we are so self-absorbed that we cant be bothered with others. GRRRRRR. Nevertheless, I feel blessed to be here in my spiritual family. Yes, it is about the relationships.. but we are all the way we are because of 1 cause. Sometimes the truth remains. We are FIRST CALLED to be with God. When the curtains are closed behind the stage, there's no one else, only just us and Him. When everything fades, no hype no rahrahwowwow, He remains faithful. When the Earth beneath us shakes, it's His hands that keeps us safe. I am very thankful what He has assured me. My family would know Christ. The whole family would be saved. If it can happen to Ivan's family, it can happen to mine . I am just very very thankful... I think I would go pray and worship abit... goodnight world. Tomorrow's last session would be fantabulous. I cant wait.... & then, school calls on Monday. HAHAHAHA xoxo,love Xin |